Our Story


In 1993, we began providing hungry families in North Tillamook County with “emergency food boxes.”

Today, a thousand-plus weeks later, we continue to provide the critical service of feeding a vulnerable community. The amount of food has changed to last longer; the number of people served has grown from a handful to thousands.

What has not changed is the respect we hold for our clients and our commitment to nourish all in need.


Our primary goal is providing critical service to vulnerable households through food distribution. We provide healthy food for all individuals in need, particularly households with children. We directly support the Friday Food Bag Program at Neah-Kah-Nie school district’s high and middle schools and the Little Free Pantries. We distribute complete Thanksgiving meals every year, including everything needed to make a turkey dinner and dessert. In addition, clients can get free clothing and children’s books and toys from our Clothing Bank.

We purchse food from a variety of sources including the Oregon Food Bank, local grocery stores, and big box stores. We also receive donated food from Alder Creek Farm, community food drives, and local individuals and organizations.